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CrossMove presents a bottom-up collaboration concept, based on small-world network approach, that connects the ICT systems of transport operators into a decentralised large-scale interoperability ecosystem. The small-world network approach refers to the phenomenon of real global social network where any other human being can be contacted through a few number of hand shakings over the right route. From transport perspective it means that transportation service providers can offer travel services to far-away destinations through collaboration with their neighbouring partner organisations, they cooperating with anyway should be carefully monitored. 

The concept allows the platform members to set the scope of their cooperation with other actors via a web-based collaboration tool in a way resembling to the social networks (e.g. the platform members can decide which of their data are visible for a particular peer entity).

Facilitating the integration to the platform, an open interoperability gateway will be provided with the corresponding API based on semantic interfaces derived from the most adopted standards in the field. Thus, platform members can keep their existing systems and can get integrated at moderate investments. Thanks to the semantic interfaces, the travel data that are harvested from heterogeneous sources, can be presented in language-independent formats

To increase the adoption-potential of the concept, the consortium will elicit and analyse the stakeholders’ drivers and barriers regarding collaborative mobility ecosystems. Once the platform is deployed, it can host mobility services of independent providers such as innovative SMEs. Such services will be demonstrated in project at 4 pilot locations.

Anonymous urban mobility monitoring sensors will be installed to directly measure the impact of innovations deployed at the pilot locations. The monitoring data will not only support the decision-making of local authorities but will provide a mean to measure the project impact factors.