On Mobility as a service (MaaS)

posted in: Smartcity | 0

Passenger transport demand in the EU-28 increased by nearly 1.1 % between 2012 and 2013, after an overall downward trend since its peak in 2009. Car passenger travel remains the dominant transport mode, with a share well above 70 %. … Continued

On eco-conscious behavior

posted in: Smartcity | 0

Support for eco-conscious behaviours is planned being achieved through incentives such as reward systems (rebates or gift cards) for saving CO2 and NOx emissions, based upon fulfilling local climate goals and profiles. In certain cases, negative incentives can be realised … Continued

On travel information

posted in: Smartcity | 0

Traveling information is continuously evolving. Data that originated from isolated, stove-piped networks of public transit, toll, parking, taxi, and other regional services are today moving towards large-scale integrated mobility solutions. The use of applications on nomadic devices, IoT devices and … Continued