Intelligent Assistive Parking

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Pollution and traffic congestion in cities represents economical, environmental and societal problems. Downtime in traffic congestions amounts to several billions euros in most developed countries, and issues related to noise- and air pollution addresses new business opportunities.

Studies indicate that 8% to 30% of all traffic in city centres may consist of cars looking for parking space . Four other studies in New York and Los Angeles concludes the estimated share of cars cruising for parking averaged 37 percent . Results from ridesharing tests have shown that even with good incentives, only a few drivers are willing to leave their cars at home. It is possible to introduce a reduction in the traffic load within urban areas by providing more flexibility in working hours and choice of transport carrier. However, challenges related to available parking space will still be a constant.

Contributing to efforts reducing traffic congestion and pollution in European cities affects dust and GHG, as well as driver’s time waste affecting the number of traffic related injuries caused by e.g. attention being directed towards vacant parking space on the roadside.

Intelligent Assistive Parking (iParking) for large-scale deployment in urban areas consists of a suite of products – ranging from public parking assistants to professional management tools. Combined with low cost sensors that will make automatic driving and support to automatic parking available both the public and city authorities in order to identify vacant and occupied parking space. The solution assists in making cities smarter, by providing a tool for real time information, risk analysis and historical data mapped dynamic, real-time situations.


iParking is presented as “make smart timesaving simple”. Focus on technology and green footprint will be downplayed by the following two questions;

  • What is it in for me
  • How much work does it involve

These questions does not differ between single users or large corporations, but the communication strategy would be directed towards cooperation and reward system for corporations, while single users would be more interested in financial results and social elements.

Administraton, management and predictive analysis

City officials, managers of public parking space, traffic control centrals and other with executive responsibilities will be offered a solution for real-time tracking of usage including both present vacant parking space, booked parking space, and currently used parking space. It will also present historical data with the option of correlating usage with particular dates i.e. events, holidays. By offering anomaly detection in data gathered via geospatial tracking, it will also be possible to predict what kind of situations that may arise in given scenarios.


Low-cost, low-maintenance, scalable and largely self-powered sensors with support for proximity detection regardless of weather conditions and hubris will be offered
. Two kind of solutions will be developed; a simple and affordable solution to be placed more or less directly on the ground, and a more high-level sensor that also supports LED indicating bookingstatus of the site, or using a signaling mechanism when the car that has booked it is close by. The intended users for the low-cost, low-entry solution are owners of private parking sites, while the high-end solution is more suitable for companies and owners of larger parking lots.