Reliac City

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Available areas in urban areas is a limited resource. Smart real-time redeployment creates new opportunities

This is the foundation of Reliac. Smart retrieval of information using the Internet of Things combined with open data creates new opportunities for public agencies as well as private providers. The possibility of offering additional parking space, storage space or other premises on demand prevents areas from being unnecessarily occupied
. Real-time information to owners and landowners makes it possible to identify needs and plan future use. Knowledge of usage statistics creates opportunities for new revenue models related to leasing and short and long-term agreements.

Reliac offers the opportunity to define boundaries for the areas to be examined. By building snapshots of the situation of any given time, it is possible to see how usage statistics develop over time. The statistics can be tagged by date, event or domain. This is valuable information for all invested parties. Not only municipalities, but also building managers and transport providers can benefit from this information.

Neighbourhood managers may use such information to identify how to improve or communicate most efficient area usage, while land owners may improve the quality of the decision making process when identify what areas are being affected by heavy traffic load.