On travel information

posted in: Smartcity | 0

Traveling information is continuously evolving. Data that originated from isolated, stove-piped networks of public transit, toll, parking, taxi, and other regional services are today moving towards large-scale integrated mobility solutions.

The use of applications on nomadic devices, IoT devices and various sources of open data and social media are shaping how smarter cities are evolving and intermodal traveling being integrated with public services.

  • Mobility patterns in the city and between cities (activity and footfall maps, duration, revisit rate, mobility patterns within the city, station to station mobility patterns, crowd analysis, trends based bus/train line / day / hour, etc.),
  • Real demand and its distribution in time, space and mode of the public transport,
  • Tourism and visitors’ mobility patterns (including nationalities), especially during events,
  • Real time perception of security and safety in urban public transport.

The ultimate goal is to provide public authorities with necessary data in order to allow them to:

  • Optimize urban transport services to dynamic and adaptive public transportation services,
  • Promote integrated multi-modal transportation solution,
  • To measure the real impact of actions performed in Mobility Plans,
  • To know the real impact of any cultural, sportive or commercial event on transportation infrastructure,
  • Enhancing tourism and visitor mobility,
  • Increase security and safety in public transport.